Friday, December 17, 2010

The holidays

The holidays have passed and the routine of every day life has set back in. I love to celebrate the holidays Christmas is so special to me and my family we really sort of celebrate the entire month of December ending of course with the New Year celebration. This year was no exception we had a wonderful time together and I am so thankful.

Because of the loss of our son, DJ I am always keenly aware of families that have had a recent loss. In fact during this season I have heard of six people who passed away. As I was preparing for last minute gifts and plans for the holidays I was absolutley struck by the contrast of joyous celebration and the deep pain and grief of death during this time.

I have been praying of course for these precious families, some have expererienced the loss of a young person, some the loss of a grandparent, a mother. My heart grieves for them.

I remember how difficult it was during the spring of 1995, Easter drew near and the children were of course getting excited. Churches prepared to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus I remember feeling at times that everything, all celebration should cease at least for that first year but I knew that Easter would indeed arrive and that it was good after all we were celebrating the very source of eternal life and acknowledging what God has done for us!

I felt as though I would betray my son if I really allowed myself to celebrate but as we went through the motions of coloring eggs and preparing baskets, I began to focus on Jesus and slowly God began a work in me. I saw crocuses peeping through the soil, white blossoms beginning on some trees, hope began to also spring up in me. Jesus is all about new life, new beginnings.

I began to let myself hear the birds singing and although my heart was still very heavy there was hope and hope brings forth healing.

My prayer for these families is that during the Christmas season Jesus was let in to their hearts, just a small seed is all it takes, He will be faithful to cause healing and to bring comfort, He will reveal truth and encompass them with peace.

O precious Lord, bless and keep them, surround them with your perfect love, carry them through this dark time and bring them once again into your healing presence. I love You Lord and I am so thankful for all You have brought us through, I pray you bless these families in exactly the way You know will strengthen them.

Thank you Father, in the Name above every name; Jesus

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