Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rainy Days

Sometimes my emotions are stormy, my thoughts can hit like lightening a memory that sparks an emotional whirlwind. For the last few days there has been rain, heavy rain pounding down into the ground, water relentlessly beating down as though demanding entrance. Adamantly storming one day, two days and now three days.

I don't want to venture out because it's pouring; "raining cats and dogs". The weather can have such an effect on us especially when it's raining, it makes one want to stay inside and this can bring a time of introspection.

It just so happens during the last couple of days along with the rain it seems once more my family and I are facing the possibility loss, my dad had to have emergency open heart surgery, a triple by-pass.

Thankfully he pulled through but we all must face the fact that this is his third heart attack, having diabetes and reaching 76 years all adds up to a wake up call, time to go see dad. So, I am looking for tickets and trying to arrange schedules and praying for dad and his family so far away
I think of looking into his eyes and hearing his laugh, his contagious laugh and seeing his great smile and it makes me smile too.

We haven't had the time we wanted together but no matter, the time gone by, it is the time in front of us that matters most now. I am praying we all get to see him and spend time with him. So I turn my attention to the truth, he is alive right now and for that I am deeply grateful. It is not a time to mourn, the rain has stopped and I see the sun peeking through.

My dad, Dan O'Connor is a fantastic man, full of ideas and life, a true entrepreneur in every sense of the word. He is one of those larger than life fellows. Never rich in the worlds terms but he sure touches a lot of people. Dad is an encourager, I can hear him say, "Go get'em tiger", or "you can do anything you set your mind to" to my boys Derek and David. He calls my husband fantastic Dan because he says Dan could change the world and you know I think he is right! Than again he would would say that to you too if you met him and you know I think he would be right about that too!

Blessings, Linda

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